Thursday, September 22, 2016

Free Pens Man

Confession: I have never bought a pen in college and that's all I use to take notes with.

I just get them all for free. Like today, for example, I got three new pens from the grad school fair.

I figure for the stress and anxiety they cause me, I deserve at least a pen, right?

Grad School is one of those things that just looms over my head in a way. Sometimes it can be hard to get through the day when I think about the fact that I'll be working my way through days like this for the next seven years of my life. But it'll be worth it, right? To be that smart, to have the qualifications that I'll have, and to be able to help people the way I want to.

School is one of those things that I love. It can be hard, but in the end it is so worth it. I have a bunch of midterms this week, and while they are stressing me out, I think about something I heard this summer, about how taking tests mean were worthy of being tested. It's almost a month into school, and I have learned enough to be worthy of being tested! I am learning and growing every day and I think that it is one of the greatest things I could be doing. I mean, I got an 85% on my finance midterm today, and while I was a bit disappointed at first (perfectionist here, sorry), I had to take a step back.

I have never studied finance before this year. These are all new concepts to me. Brand new. And I have worked hard enough to take a midterm and only miss three questions on it! That's pretty darn impressive!

So anyway, just grateful to be able to be at such an amazing university where I get to learn and grow and prepare for everything that I want to accomplish in the future (and stock up on free pens while I'm at it)


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