Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I Think Utah Has It Out For Me

Confession: I am extremely out of shape.

Now two commons responses to me saying this are 1. So is 75% of America, why does that matter? or 2. You ran 3 miles this morning. You are not out of shape.

3 miles and I died. See, I am from the great Pacific Northwest. Where it is sea level. And the air is like 90% oxygen (that is obviously exaggerated). And here in the not-as-great city of Provo Utah, the elevation is much much higher, and the air is like 10% oxygen (also exaggerated, cut me some slack).

SO when I go running, I can't breath. My poor lungs are trying as hard as they can to get oxygen, and there just isn't as much of it. They aren't used to it yet! I understand that I will adjust, I did last year just fine. It just takes time to get to that point, and I haven't gotten there yet.

The other way Utah is killing me? The Heat.

Ohmygoodness I am dying. Back home we had a very mild summer. Yes it got hot and I got whiney. But not this hot. I did not grow up in a place where it is this hot and I really hope and pray that after college I never have to live in a place that is this hot. The 95 degree days are killing me and I just need for it to cool down to sweater weather. (this problem is compacted by the fact that I am a cold sleeper, and I am in a top bunk. Heat rises, and I sweat through my blankets.

It was so hot on my run yesterday that I woke up at 6 this morning to go before the sun came up. It was a struggle, but I did get a pretty great view of the mountains, and a nice way to start off the day.

Then I got to climb up the 108 steps to get to class. I sincerely hope that by the end of the year, I am not as winded from those!

Have a great final day of august blogosphere!

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